Thursday, 7 April 2011


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
While creating my media product, I have used a range of technologies to do this. ICT skills and technologies have been on of the main thing used in this project. Microsoft word was used for the majority of my research work. This was useful for allowing my to present my work in a clear, appealing way.

Microsoft publisher was the programme is used in the production of my magazine. I chose to use this programme as it is the best tool for producing visual publications. It has all the right tools and techniques to produce excellent quality products, like mine, from scratch. It was quite easy to use and had all the emphasis on formatting that I needed to produce a successful product

Paint was another computer programme I used to help in the creation of my media product. It was useful when I print screened images and saved them as images into my files. I also used paint to place lines onto my magazine pages in the analysis stage.

I used photoshop to edit my images for my magazine. I felt this was the best programme as it had the widest range of editing tools which I could make the best use of. Also, it was easily accessible to me. I used this on the main images on my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

My work was stored on under the URL ( This helped to keep all my work in an easily accessible place where it is safe from harm, damage and loss. While using this website, I learnt how to create, edit and delete blog posts, how to embed things onto a blog and also how to share my work with others (E.G. teachers for marking). is another website I used in to creation of my product. I used this website to create both of my surveys which were a vital part of my work. I chose to use this website as it was highly recommended as a reputable website to create clear, effective surveys easily and efficiently. From using this website, I learnt how to create surveys, distribute them and then collect in the responses.

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