Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have learnt a lot in the progression from my preliminary task to my main task. When I started my preliminary task, my ICT skills were very basic. But through the progression from this task to my final product, I have really built on my ICT skills, teaching myself how to use Microsoft publisher, Photoshop, blogger.com, scribd.com and surveymonkey.com. The draft pages and final products of my preliminary task were produced on Microsoft word. However, over time I learnt how to use Microsoft publisher with confidence and produced the draft pages and final products of my main task on Microsoft publisher. This shows a huge progression I have made between the making of these products.
Not only have my ICT skills developed, I have also developed a better understanding of media conventions and concepts. My preliminary task only focussed on the genre of school and education, however my main task focussed on music genres. This helped me to understand the differences between the conventions of different genres. I now understand media terminology a lot better, as I have been using it the majority of the time to plan, create and analyse my products. My understanding and confident use of the terms has grown from my preliminary task to my final product.
When you compare my preliminary task to my final product, you can clearly see how my skills have developed over time.
As a result of using Microsoft word to produce my preliminary task, when I uploaded it onto blogger.com, the cover lines, images and whole layout of the pages was moved around. For example, all the cover lines on the front cover have risen to the top of the page. This made my product look totally messed up and wrong. I did not have enough time to correct this error as the deadline had been reached. However, I corrected it when producing my final product by taking a screen-shot of my work, uploading the image onto paint, then embedding it to my blog. This is a major skill I learnt during the progression from the preliminary task to my main task.
Also, my final task work looks a lot more professional and of a higher standard. This is due to the longer amount of time given to complete this product, the higher level of skill learnt for my final product, and a generally better understanding of media.
Can you get rid of the text box lines on your product, as this will help you get a higher mark. If you're having problems doing that don't worry about it. We can look at it in class next week.